Geeking out about music…

As you can imagine, the “shop talk” at Rockdale revolves around music. Teachers and students are always chatting about their favorite artists, who’s released new music, what old favorites they’ve rediscovered, and the musical “rabbit holes” they’ve fall down.

One of our teachers, Rob Wickline, decided to foster this discussion even further by introducing an Album of the Week club for our students. He shares his pick, a brief introduction, and his favorite song off the album to kick start the conversation. In keeping with Rob’s rock-ed efforts, we decided to share his recent recs. Rob, take it away!

Hello everyone! 

If anybody doesn’t know me, I’m Rob, one of the teachers at Rockdale. I like distorted guitars, the color purple, and long walks on the beach. 

I’m always exploring and listening to new things. I love to share them with my students and this seems like a great avenue to do that through. If you are looking to expand your musical horizons, consider this your formal invitation to our Album of the Week club. 

Let us know if you check any of these albums out…we’re always looking to talk shop with fellow music-lovers. 

First Up…


By Will Van Horn

Will Van Horn, who has played with psychedelic funk band, Khurangbin, released this restricted solo record—just pedal steel guitar, bass, and drums. Pedal steel is often found in country music, but Will captures a range of funky moods in the album’s five tracks.


By Christian McBride

Christian McBride is a legendary bassist of our times. This album will blow your mind, spanning three discs! Side note: McBride was born and raised in Philly!


By Daft Punk

After they announced their “powering down”, we revisited this 2013 release. Daft Punk spent 3 decades making people dance from “Around the World”. This album features a bunch of Nile Rodgers on guitar (one of our featured producers from February) and pays homage to the “Father of Disco” Giorgio Moroder.

Radio Music Society

By Esperanza Spalding

Esperanza Spalding is a bassist, vocalist, and songwriter/composer. In this record, she blends her jazz sensibilities with pop music. Every song has amazing players on it, is arranged beautifully, and all are chock full of sauce.