Tuition Fees and Pricing

30-minute Lessons

$ 175 Monthly
  • 30-Minute Weekly Lessons

60-minute Lessons

$ 325 Monthly
  • 60-Minute Weekly Lessons

Lesson Payment, Cancellation and Makeup Policies

At Rockdale, we understand that life can get complicated. We also know that successful and fulfilling musical studies depend on regular commitment. That’s why we’ve designed our policies to give you as much flexibility as possible while still promoting consistency. 

Our teachers reserve time on their schedules, plan for your lessons, and invest in the long-term development of each student. To provide regular, quality lessons, the following policies need to be observed.

If you have any questions regarding our policies, please contact us at [email protected]

Membership Tuition

  1. Tuition is a flat monthly fee. Most months have four (4) or five (5) lessons, and on rare occasions, three (3) lessons when in observance of major national holidays and scheduled breaks at the studio. 
  2. Membership guarantees a regular weekly lesson time with your teacher.
  3. Tuition payments are billed monthly in advance of scheduled lessons and are due by the 1st lesson or class of the month.
  4. Membership tuition is billed automatically to your credit card 3 days before the 1st of the following month.
  5. All payments are automated using recurring credit card billing. Billing can be set up by logging into your account through the Rockdale Music portal.
  6. Credit card payment instantly reserves enrollment, otherwise your space is not reserved until payment is received.
  7. A $10 late fee will be charged for payment received after the 15th of each month.
  8. Lesson spots may be forfeited if tuition is over 2 weeks late. Since all payments are automated, lateness occurs when a payment is declined. Notification of a declined payment will be sent and billing information must be updated promptly through the Rockdale Music web portal.
  9. Bi-weekly and partial-month tuition will be adjusted or prorated.
  10. Credit card payments are accepted online through CardConnect secure SSL server.
  11. No refunds, credits, or discounts will be given once tuition is paid.
  12. Students are responsible for additional costs associated with educational materials, music books, instrument rentals, accessories, etc…

Attendance & Lateness

  1. Students are expected to be punctual to their weekly lessons.
  2. Students who are late for a lesson cannot be guaranteed their full lesson time.
  3. Students more than 5 minutes late for their lesson will not get the full allotted lesson time. Since lessons are scheduled back-to-back, lessons will end at the time the next student’s lesson is scheduled to begin. 
  4. If your lesson starts late because the instructor’s schedule is running behind, you WILL receive your full lesson or a makeup credit. 

Missed Lessons & Makeup Credits

  1. NO tuition credit or refund will be provided for missed lessons.
  2. Makeup lesson credits will be issued when a lesson is canceled with at least 24-hour advance notice by emailing [email protected], calling 610-459-4096 or requesting a cancellation online.
  3. PLEASE DO NOT TEXT, CALL, or EMAIL YOUR TEACHER – Rockdale administration must have a record of cancellations for you to receive a makeup credit.
  4. If a student cancels with at least 24-hour notice, an in-person makeup can be scheduled in an open time slot through the Rockdale Music scheduling portal or by contacting Rockdale staff. You may also choose to book a virtual makeup lesson on RockOutLoud or request a LessonMate video lesson as a replacement for your makeup session.
  5. Cancellations made with less than 24-hour notice will have the option to book a virtual makeup lesson on RockOutLoud or request a LessonMate video lesson as a replacement for your makeup session.
  6. Makeup lesson credits expire 30 days after membership ends. They can be used to schedule makeup lessons online or by emailing [email protected] at any time with your teacher or any other Rockdale teacher (subject to availability).
  7. No more than two (2) makeup lesson credits can be pending at any time per membership.
  8. If there is no in-person makeup time slot available, your teacher will schedule a virtual lesson on RockOutLoud or upload a curated lesson and practice plan to your LessonMate student profile. (LessonMate makeups include video lessons, music files, courses, helpful links, and other assignments and are a substitute for your in-person/virtual makeup lesson)
  9. If there are no makeup times available with your teacher, you will either receive a LessonMate video lesson or have the option to schedule with another Rockdale teacher.
  10. There are no makeups, refunds, or tuition credits for planned holidays and scheduled studio closings. We do not charge for the additional lesson for months with 5 weeks which offsets all holidays/breaks. 
  11. Makeup lessons cannot be rescheduled.
  12. Makeup credits have no cash value.


  1. You may decide to change teacher or instrument with a 14-day advance email notice before the 1st lesson of the month.
  2. If your current teacher is unable to teach a lesson, a substitute teacher will be arranged.
  3. If a substitute cannot be arranged, a teacher absence credit will be issued to your account (teacher absence credits do not expire and do not count toward the subscription credit limit).
  4. Regular lesson cancellation policy applies to lessons with substitute teachers. No makeup credits are issued for last-minute substitutions.
  5. If your regular teacher becomes unavailable, you will be provided a new teacher with a similar teaching style, or the opportunity to try and choose a new teacher.

School Holidays and Inclement Weather Cancellations

  1. The studio is closed between Christmas Eve and New Years Day, Spring Break (the week before Easter), Memorial Day, July 4th (Independence Day), Labor Day, Halloween and Thanksgiving. 
  2. We do not follow the school calendar for days off (M.L.K. Day, Columbus Day, Presidents Day, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, etc…)
  3. Your teacher may choose to schedule makeup lessons on days that the studio is closed for holidays and breaks.
  4. In the event of an inclement weather cancellation, you will be notified of a studio closure. Lessons cancelled due to inclement weather will be held virtually or a curated lesson and practice plan to their account.
  5. We do not follow the school districts for inclement weather cancellations.

Summer (June, July, August)

  1. You may put a membership on “Summer Hold” for up to two (2) months with a 14-day advanced email notice before the 1st lesson of the month.
  2. Your lesson time and teacher will be reserved only by pre-paying tuition for the month following a Summer hold (latest resume date is September 1st).
  3. While on Summer hold, members may purchase individual lesson passes.

Membership Cancellation

  1. Membership may be cancelled by the 25th day of the month by submitting our online cancellation form
  2. Cancellation will be effective as of the month next tuition is due. You may withdraw the cancellation at any time before it takes effect, but your teacher and/or time slot can not be guaranteed.
  3. Active membership is mandatory to participate in our events and recitals. 
  4. All makeup lesson credit(s) on your account expire after 30 days from cancellation effective date.
  5. Membership is not transferable.
  6. Rockdale Music & Studios does not provide tuition refund under any circumstances.
  7. Rockdale Music & Studios reserves the right to terminate membership, in which case prorated tuition will be refunded.

Care of Students

Rockdale Music is not responsible for providing before or after class care for students.


You assume all risk of injury or harm to the child(ren) or adult(s) associated with participation in musical activities at Rockdale Music & Studios and agree to release, indemnify, defend and forever discharge Rockdale Music & Studios and its officers and staff from all liability, claims, demands, damages, costs, and expenses in the unlikely event of injury sustained by your child(ren) or adult student during the course or as a result of their participation in related musical activities.

Photo/Video Release

Unless requested in writing, Rockdale Music & Studios is granted permission to take photographs/videos of the students to use in brochures, websites, posters, advertisements, and other promotional materials Rockdale Music & Studios creates.  Permission is also hereby granted for Rockdale Music & Studios to copyright such photographs in its name.


Rockdale Studios, LLC reserves the right to refuse service to any person(s) at any time.

Policy effective upon enrollment. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Policies & terms are subject to change.

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