We are back… and better than EVER!

It’s been awhile! We have been hard at work renovating our new studio space, but we are officially back in action!

While most of our lessons are still being held virtually, we are safely beginning to return to in-person private lessons and jamming with our Rock Bands and Kidzrock classes!

Our Rock Bands came back firing on all cylinders for the DELCO Arts Week @ Home Live Stream performances to debut their material from the Winter session showcase at World Cafe Live that was cancelled back in March.

(P.S. Independent Music Venues are hurting across the country and around the world. Please show your support for Live Music by visiting https://www.saveourstages.com/ and contacting Congress or donating to help keep the venues afloat during the pandemic).

Check out the YouTube playlist below to see the Rock Bands perform from OUR NEW STAGE at Rockdale Music & Studios. Many thanks to Matt Schenck from PowerCycle Productions for engineering, producing and streaming the performances!

Following the DELCO Arts Week Live Streams, we were feeling festive (and ambitious!), so we decided to have all of the Rock Bands each learn a Halloween themed song.

After only two weeks, the kids performed their spooky tunes adorned in costumes (and masks of course!) We recorded the performances and put together a boo-eautiful treat for the Hallo-day.

We hope you enjoy… but beware!

Getting back into the studio and doing what we love has been a beacon of light through these trying times. The kids are all glad to be back to playing music, but more importantly experiencing “the hang” that is such a huge part of playing in a band.

In order to keep everyone safe while hanging at the studio, we require everyone to wear masks, we clean and disinfect the microphones and equipment regularly, and have HEPA medical grade air purifiers in each lesson and waiting room.

We are fortunate to have a great new space for the group classes that is over 500 square feet, and we keep our bands at 4-6 members which allows for more than adequate social distancing. Additionally, our “Live Room” has a large garage door that we can open (weather permitting) to increase fresh air flow.

We will continue to go above and beyond to keep our students and families safe, and we appreciate you sharing any feedback or concerns.

In the wise words of Prince, “Dearly beloved, we have gathered here today
to get through this thing called life”. It is much easier to get through these “crazy” days with music in our lives.


Rock and/or Roll,

– Jared & The Rockdale Squad