
Exciting Rockdale Updates!

Hello Rockdale Families,

Let me start off by saying thank you all so much for your flexibility and support over the last week. These are uncertain times for everyone, but we are overwhelmed that nearly all of you allowed us into your homes (virtually!) to allow us the opportunity to keep some sense of normalcy during our collective abnormal experience at the moment. We also appreciate you sharing your feedback and photos/videos from the lessons! 

Our leadership skills as parents, educators and mentors is being put to the test like never before. Our children are watching our every move and taking cues from us as we model for them how to cope and manage a crisis. Our children need us to provide a sense of comfort and security in a difficult time.

The hopes and dreams you have for your children may have been put on a temporary hold as we all focus on taking care of our families physically, emotionally and mentally. Perhaps you’re concerned about the isolation and loneliness your child might be feeling in the long weeks ahead, or maybe you’re worried about the family dynamic as boredom and cabin fever sets in.

At Rockdale, we want to help your family get through this challenging time. We want to teach your children how to use creativity to work through a problem. Music isn’t just about melodies and rhythms. Music is also about teamwork, leadership, problem solving and creativity.

As of last week, all of our private lessons will be conducted online, but we want to offer you and your child something more. We are currently working on creative online programming that everyone in our music community can participate in and enjoy. We want your child to have something different to look forward to everyday. We want your child to feel connected with the world.

Rockdale is no longer just a music school. We are transforming our organization into an online creative community. Think of us as a virtual Summer camp. A place where your child can make new friends, have fun experiences and form lifelong memories. There will be no additional charge for our new programming. We believe it’s important for us to come together as a community to make sure our kids feel safe and experience meaningful growth in the weeks ahead.

Follow our Facebook page for the most up to date class and program information or keep a lookout for our newsletter emails.
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy & Stay Home! 

– Jared & the Rockdale Squad

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